Optimize your business and enhance the experience of your customers

Priceless features to satisfy your customers and optimize your cross-sells

3D Room Planning

Enhance customer experience by modeling their event and determine what they actually need as materials and services

Facial recognition

Let your customers welcoming their visitors with this incredible feature.

Digital Signage

Your customers will welcome their visitors with the best of the technology

Provide a responsive website solution to your customers.
Easier for them… and for you.

One unique solution to do everything

Space Booking

Manage all your bookings – including set up, peak prices, capacity and customization options and have a clear view of your planning management

Equipment services

Book directly whaterver you need : as audio, video, TV, projectors to furnitures such as tables and chairs. And use our 3D planning features to organize everything.

Food & Beverage

Simplify your entire purchases and deliveries with high standards services : menu or a-la-carte, banquet or experienced waitresses

Media advertising

Manage all your media directly on our application


Keep track of detailed customer information and their preferences


Always on & Always updated : processes continue to go on anytime

Staffing management

Monitor your employee activity automatically on scheduling, payroll, permission controls.


Be alerted and have always an overview of your business performance to improve it


Integrate easily to most of softwares and add-ons on the market.


Protect your customers’ data and help you avoid prohibitive fines for being out of compliance.


Always on & Always updated : processes continue to go on anytime


Keep your data safe with our cloud solution : you’ll never loose any data. Ever.

Get started with OneVenue today!